The twentieth century is a time of extraordinary advances in science and technology, including the development of semiconductor devices with the invention of the transistor, as well as quantum mechanics with the evolution of computers and communications. In this time period, material production technology has also taken its share, making it possible to produce nanometer (billionth of a meter) scaled materials and structures. With the twenty-first century, the devices using these materials have started to shape technology from lighting to defense industry, from food technologies to health sector. Therefore, the development of advanced technologies will now be possible with the design and control of systems at nanometer scales, and people, companies, institutions and states with this capability will only have a say in the world of the near future. At this point, Materials Science and Nanotechnology Engineering emerges as a new discipline and continues to grow and develop rapidly since the day it first emerged. This department, which is still in its early stages in universities around the world, was opened simultaneously in AGU and will contribute significantly to the high-quality trained manpower in this field.

Prof. Dr. Mehmet ŞAHİN